We've come afar... but still moving...

Check out all our projects below


Construction of Classroom block

We have made Excel Educational Center School, established in 2016 by Youth and Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (YWISD), is located in Wamilongo Village, Busukuma division, Wakiso district, Uganda. The school aims to help the poorest of the poor, who cannot afford school fees. Many of the students, who would’ve turned into criminals due to lack of access to education as they would’ve been unemployed.

The school was started in 2015 at a local kitchen house and has since been shifted to wooden classrooms and a few brick classrooms. However, the government has only three years to reconstruct the school to meet government standards, and 85% of the 401 pupils do not pay school fees. We’re seeking funding to reconstruct the school and ensure that education is the only hope for the poor.

Click below to see the proposed plan.

Contact us for more information on info@ywisd.org or ywisd.youthwomen@gmail.com

Capacity building

Youth and Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (YWISD) engages local communities to utilize the resources available to them and promoting innovation to expand them through partnerships, making them less dependent on ‘hand outs’. To achieve this YWISD sensitizes communities and train them to identify and prioritize their needs, find ways to meet these needs and to be a part of the implementation process. We work with poor rural women and community at large in economic development

Water & Sanitation

We aim to construct deep water wells such as water springs, rain water tanks, piped water and boreholes in Uganda to address the water and sanitation needs of these returning people. YWISD has taken up the basic need of water and sanitation in the context of return and resettlement of the suffering population. Water ranks the number priority in the daily needs of the population in Wakiso and neighboring Districts. Women and families undergo a lot of pain in accessing water as they have to walk long distances, go up even in the night for water. They have are vulnerable to abuses including rape and domestic violence.


Vocational training

Education is truly the gateway to the world. Quality education molds the minds of young people and also instills confidence in them. This is so important for vulnerable children who have often been pushed to the margins of society. We believe every child has the right to a quality education. YWISD we support a range of education and training options for young people to help them build skills not only receive certificates. We look at the problems blocking young people from education, and tackle them in turn. If school fees are lacking, we work to find a way to support students to go to school while at the same time boasting their households with income-generating activities that will help guardians take responsibility for these costs in future. Where students do not have uniforms, YWISD produces and distributes them. In Wakiso district, technical training options are limited. To address this, we plan to open our own Training and Resource Centre that will provides a range of technical courses for young people from the local communities

Health in school program

In addition to the challenge of raising school fees, another cause of the drop-out of children from school is focused exclusively on girls: the onset of menstruation. Most schools in Uganda do not have adequate, private and sanitary toilet facilities for girls to wash traditional materials they might be using during menstruation. Because of poor facilities, shyness and lack of sanitary products to support their periods, many girls opt either to drop out of school entirely when they begin menstruating or skip the week each month of their period. The high rate of girl child drop out from school has alarming impact on girls’ ability to achieve economic independence as adults. Furthermore, the girls who try to stay in school but excuse themselves from classes each month during their period hinder their own academic progress as well as that of their male colleagues. In order for girls to learn best, they need to be and stay in school. To support girl scholars, YWISD distributes both disposable and un disposable menstrual pads, soap, sanitary towels to menstruating girls in schools across the district using grants that we solicit from well-wishers and donors

Economic empowerment

We have built a flourishing Economic Empowerment Program to lead the work of securing the financial base of the households involved in our program. We do this through a series of activities including the distribution of inputs to start income-generating activities, production units that add value to the produce of our

Enironmental conservation

Uganda is facing environment degradation at a high rate this is why YWISD formulated programs to intervene, we have programs that promote environment conservation such as organic charcoal briquettes making, paper bags to substitute polythene bags, weaving carrions that are made from plastic fibers, and we also promote awareness on forest conservation.


The project started in 2023 and it is aiming to empower youth and women for a more independent life due to an own earned increasing income, to stabilize their livelihood. The participants of workshops named Kisoboka will work in small groups more and more individually in the skills they love to do – is it bakery or tailoring? Is it welding or joinery? Different trainings will be organized – from locals for locals as low-threshold as possible – so that everybody is able to join with pleasure. We are looking for an important character supporting our idea of charity with financial help. Do you have the spirit, a little bit of time and energy? Please contact us! I have attached the photo you can use

“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”

― Brian Tracy